Sergey Krylov

Born in Samara. In 2014, graduated from the Vaganova Russian Ballet Academy, where he studied under N. V. Scheglov. His most notable appearances as a student include Pas d’Esclave in Le Corsaire, Blue Bird and Pas de Deux in The Sleeping Beauty, Actaeon’s Variations in La Esmeralda, and James in La Sylphide. Joined St. Petersburg State Academic Leonid Yacobson Ballet Theatre as a dancer in 2014. A soloist at the Theatre since 2015.
- Inserted Pas de Deux in Giselle (choreography by Jean Coralli, Jules Perrot, and Marius Petipa);
- A Friend of the Prince and Jester in Swan Lake (choreography by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov);
- Blue Bird in The Sleeping Beauty (choreography by Marius Petipa and Jean-Guillaume Bart);
- Prince and Classical Trio in The Nutcracker (choreography by Vasili Vainonen);
- Vestris (choreography by Leonid Yacobson);Narumov in The Queen of Spades (choreography by Iñaki Urlezaga).